Distant Look
Samme hesten på samme sirkus, i samme tilhenger.
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Georg K.

Do I like it - or not ?
Does it give me anything ?
Does it touch me in one or other way ?
Honestly - not really.
It seems too obvious in its assumed tendency - without really explaining the setting in itself.
A horse in a trailer - within the possible settings we have on hand in order to demonstrate our dominant position - not the most un-reasonable one.
What I actually like with this posting is that you have cleaned it up, increased the attention, and pictures communication.
To me the strongest element in the photo is the contrast between the horse and metal-surface just below - this is what I would call '' image language '', and this together with the, by you called '' distant look '' is lifting the image actually above many others of maybe similar nature.

Trine T.

Its like this.
I explained the setting, but in norwegian.
Maybe thats why you dont understand the picture :)
Its a spanish horse, in a cirkus trailer. In cold norway.
And im against using animals for entertainment :)

And thanx for the good coments too!
Georg K.

Trine - I do understand your words below the text - thanks for asking, but I do read Norwegian :) should write, and talk it too – but ….. :(
Same as you - I do feel uncomfortable when thinking about all kind of animals used for show - and many other reasons - and I am not an active member of any animal-protection group etc.
Main reason for my comment was that you have “asked” for it :) - and because I thought that you did want to show what you just said - you do not like this way of keeping, carrying etc. this horse - which I understand - and so I was thinking about how to create the image in a way that this strong issue is also more visible.
The way I see it - a photo is never neutral - a photo is always seen also in the context it is shown.
A photo like yours will be seen political / animal-protecting when you show it in a paper, magazine, consumed by people with interest in this theme - but how do people react who drive 30 mil with their family on a Sunday just to visit a zoo ?
Does the photo has the power to make them stop for a second and ask themselves - heh, wait a moment - this horse somehow does not look really like I think it should look ?
Therefore I thought by working with the most uncomfortable contrast - the head of the horse, eyes etc, - against the cold metal from the trailer.
This is a contrast that could work very efficient for your issue, your communication.
Might sound patronizing - but not meant like this - the way I see it, means that there is always a struggle to find, use and arrange the elements in an image in order to use the later photo as a options of expression - otherwise it is just pure craftmanship.
But when you want to use photo in order to tell, show and communicate - the clarity of your images is important.
regards - georg
Trine T.

Thank you Georg:)
I understand what you mean and i will think about it next time :)
If you got more tips, just send it. I need help with using photoshop in a good way.
Now, i have to go. Have a nice day (¨,)

Thera E.

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