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Spennende bilde Eirik. Spennende utførelse. Likte godt fargene og kontrastene i veggen som jeg mener skapte mye av bilde.
Kristin S.
Dette liker jeg. Spennende uttrykk. Sliten sofa, grell grafitti og to(!) sprøyter side om side. Hard virkelighet med et innslag av menneskelig samhørighet.
Eirik H.
Takk for kommentarar.
Livet er definitivt hardt for enkelte, men likevel klarer dei å finne styrke og samhald i all driten. Desse sprøytene er vel kanskje ei melding til oss andre frå den norske paria-kasten?
David O.
Powerful and moving Eirik.. Bra sett.
Johan K.
Bra sett, og fint presentert, i fine farger.
Slet litt med vinkelen med første øyekast, men etter litt studie kom det seg :)
Likte dette
Alexandra F.
tøft :)
Inger-Lise S.
Hei! Et godt bilde dette Eirik. Tankevekkende. Men om de gidder å prøve å gi noen melding til blinde og døve,si det...
Fine farger i bildet.Godt presentert.
Georg K.
A comment not in line with most others given - and not in technical, photographic terms.
From previous comments of yours, I do remember that you are in a way
''advanced'', working with medium and large format, film and digital etc. - and the missing information leaves most of such thoughts to guessing - which isn't productive at all.
Means - when looking at this posting - it is all down to the impression offered by the visual elements, the presentation - and the given title.
Since the main subject are two relative small elements shown in a larger, but limited setting it is logical to start from there - experience and used patterns of identification link them to uncontrolled drug-abuse, a scenery which indeed is outlined as not belonging to generally accepted lifestyle.
As such, it is obviously a common understanding that the people belonging to such scene are acting differently than so-called normal people do -means the line of difference separates not only drug-users from none drug-users, but also indicates that regular human behaviour changes indisputable.
If such statement is accurate or not, might be a different discussion, but it works as an assumed starting point in this specific image, as long as the title stands like it does - even thought the intention might be to question such.
Again, as a result of combined information - visual and written ones - the main subject, the two injection needles must be seen as symbols - and their importance for the image leads them into a position in ''Symbolism''.
Now - are they strong, clear and devoted enough to show something which would meet the expectation given by the title ?
Would they indicate a similar response without the wording - Junkie Love - ?
Is something what would come as aftermath to such a word - Junkie Love - be properly illustrated by this image, or better by the two main subjetcs ?
And - would be the same symbolism adapted in a similar setting of outcasts - alcoholism - make sense ? Two, empty bottles standing next to each other ?
True is, the image is working with a few elements not directly indicating a warm, secure and human-friendly surrounding - and your presentation is underlining this impression by almost blown out colour; an almost abstract inter-relation of concrete-wall and worn-out couch - using the contrast of regular expectation towards a relation of wall and couch as determination of place and location is offering; and it is seems at least as an unusual sign of caring treatment to store the needles this way, instead of just dropping, or keeping them.
And in this context I do see some content, often described as message, in this image - a statement about the caring attention a potential former - or future user is whiling to spend to the shown main subject.
And of course it makes also sense - it is a unexpected priority, contrary from what we are normally reading from he ''one + one = two( = desired unity )'' .
But, following this string, the image will get an almost cynical touch something I believe being able to read from comment, was not the starting point when taking these image together with the others on your homepage ( which are in my humble opinion stronger, better and more clear in their engagement ).
It might sound very complicated, even negative etc. but in a way this image has kept me busy on a long drive between Oslo/Stockholm/Oslo, especially the position and precision of symbolism in photography and art in general.
So, its not negative just interesting.
Eirik H.
Thank you very much for a very good comment George. This is the best feedback I've ever got on this website. Your observations are very accurate and to the point.
I see these injection needles as a statement. They are obviously pushed into the sofa with some force. This is not the act of weak and humble individuals. I see it more of a statement, perhaps a provocation, but still with some pride or perhaps anger and desperation?
The title might be misleading, you are very correct in your observation there. The photograph is perhaps too complex for any title. An image speaks more than a tousand words right?
I will post some of the other shots from this session later. This photograph was the one that I couldn't do with my large format camera.
Arne S.
Du må være logget inn for å kunne kommentere bildene på
Livet er definitivt hardt for enkelte, men likevel klarer dei å finne styrke og samhald i all driten. Desse sprøytene er vel kanskje ei melding til oss andre frå den norske paria-kasten?
Slet litt med vinkelen med første øyekast, men etter litt studie kom det seg :)
Likte dette
Fine farger i bildet.Godt presentert.
From previous comments of yours, I do remember that you are in a way
''advanced'', working with medium and large format, film and digital etc. - and the missing information leaves most of such thoughts to guessing - which isn't productive at all.
Means - when looking at this posting - it is all down to the impression offered by the visual elements, the presentation - and the given title.
Since the main subject are two relative small elements shown in a larger, but limited setting it is logical to start from there - experience and used patterns of identification link them to uncontrolled drug-abuse, a scenery which indeed is outlined as not belonging to generally accepted lifestyle.
As such, it is obviously a common understanding that the people belonging to such scene are acting differently than so-called normal people do -means the line of difference separates not only drug-users from none drug-users, but also indicates that regular human behaviour changes indisputable.
If such statement is accurate or not, might be a different discussion, but it works as an assumed starting point in this specific image, as long as the title stands like it does - even thought the intention might be to question such.
Again, as a result of combined information - visual and written ones - the main subject, the two injection needles must be seen as symbols - and their importance for the image leads them into a position in ''Symbolism''.
Now - are they strong, clear and devoted enough to show something which would meet the expectation given by the title ?
Would they indicate a similar response without the wording - Junkie Love - ?
Is something what would come as aftermath to such a word - Junkie Love - be properly illustrated by this image, or better by the two main subjetcs ?
And - would be the same symbolism adapted in a similar setting of outcasts - alcoholism - make sense ? Two, empty bottles standing next to each other ?
True is, the image is working with a few elements not directly indicating a warm, secure and human-friendly surrounding - and your presentation is underlining this impression by almost blown out colour; an almost abstract inter-relation of concrete-wall and worn-out couch - using the contrast of regular expectation towards a relation of wall and couch as determination of place and location is offering; and it is seems at least as an unusual sign of caring treatment to store the needles this way, instead of just dropping, or keeping them.
And in this context I do see some content, often described as message, in this image - a statement about the caring attention a potential former - or future user is whiling to spend to the shown main subject.
And of course it makes also sense - it is a unexpected priority, contrary from what we are normally reading from he ''one + one = two( = desired unity )'' .
But, following this string, the image will get an almost cynical touch something I believe being able to read from comment, was not the starting point when taking these image together with the others on your homepage ( which are in my humble opinion stronger, better and more clear in their engagement ).
It might sound very complicated, even negative etc. but in a way this image has kept me busy on a long drive between Oslo/Stockholm/Oslo, especially the position and precision of symbolism in photography and art in general.
So, its not negative just interesting.
I see these injection needles as a statement. They are obviously pushed into the sofa with some force. This is not the act of weak and humble individuals. I see it more of a statement, perhaps a provocation, but still with some pride or perhaps anger and desperation?
The title might be misleading, you are very correct in your observation there. The photograph is perhaps too complex for any title. An image speaks more than a tousand words right?
I will post some of the other shots from this session later. This photograph was the one that I couldn't do with my large format camera.