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Fint dette her. Men syns bildet burde hatt en tittel. Hvor vil du med bildet ditt?

Alek I.

Kanskje hun vil inn på japan foto.....? Likte dette bilde veldig godt. Først butikken, så intet.


Georg K.

Nice little shot - like the open way out of the kind of tight scene between buss and shop-entrance - walking into no-where.
But also the mirror-image of the scene in the buss - in full colour - in contrast with the S/H visible ''real'' version to the right is a nice detail.
Adding to the golden-yellow sign as only colour-spot on the right is a nice counterweight against the blue.
What in my view is not optimal is the overly clear lettering in the advertisement - it takes a lot of attention, and somehow the eye is a bit stocked there - while the opening is much more of an attraction - but this is just my view.
The other thing - and I can't see this clear - but it seems that there are some yellish elements between bus and man ?
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