Chofer de trolley
  • Fuji S3 Pro
  • Tokina ATX -PRO 12-24 F.4 DX
  • Blender-
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Kritikker (3)
Dorte G.
Her har du fanget en interessant hverdagssituasjon uten å lene deg på klisjeer om ''de andre''. Fint!
Georg K.
I do like many of the things you are posting - this one I find rather challenging, even though I fully subscribe to the comment of Dorte - and for only this reason alone the image should get attention - there is a lengthy statement from the famous essay of Susan Sontag somewhere in my head - not that important.
There are a lot of green variations - and they would been lost when converting the whole image into B/W - which would to my mind a semi-logical choice since it works great with the inside-outside elements.
When opening this image in full-scale view - with the black frame, it actually really shows the amount of involvement - which is a double-perspective, since the observer is exactly showing this, including the world, view keeping the drivers attention.
Not without fascination...
Marcelo V.
takk for kommentarer!
Disse bussene er fra fenti-tallet de gaar fremdeles .


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